Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My Dreams

Only in my dreams,
Can we soar up to the sky,
Hand in hand,
You and I,
Twirling around like two love swallows,
Carefree, without a worry in the world...

Only in my dreams,
Can we run freely in the meadows,
Frolicking among knee-high wild flowers,
Exchanging dandelions and forget-me-nots,
Coloured fields as far as the eyes can see...

Only in my dreams,
Can we submerge into the sea,
And still able to break into a song,
Dancing with the fish,
Whales and dolphins singing in harmony,
Crabs and lobsters playing music,
Just for us...

To celebrate our love,
To share our joy,
To join in our laughter,
To lift our spirits,
To bask in our happiness,
To play in harmonious to our song,
Only in my dreams...

You've Got Me Hooked

Craving for your attention
Trying best to look good
Jealous at slightest competition
Oh, You’ve got me hooked.

Missing you every minute,
Every second seems a lifetime took,
Around you I’d like to orbit,
Oh, You’ve got me hooked.

You jeapordised all my senses,
Your slightest touch made my body shook,
I became a schoolgirl, all flustered with flushes,
Oh, You’ve got me hooked.

Have I gone insane?
Have I been doped?
Oh, I won't complain,
Because You’ve got me hooked.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I am just a Muse

I inspire
But I hide my fears
Because I am a Muse

I spread cheer
But I suppress my tears
Because I am a Muse

I work hard
But I play hard too
Because I am a Muse

I hide my feelings
But I still feel jealous
Because I am a Muse

Surrounded by friends
But I still feel lonely
Because I am a Muse

It’s Christmas time
But I am blue
Because I am just a Muse

Oh, the Distinguished You

Chilly fingers,
Suave manners,
Casual chatters
All your clever endeavours,
makes a Distinguished You.

Nice jackets,
New tie,
Neatly pressed shirts,
All vogue apparels
makes a Distinguished You.

Conferences and presentations,
Seminars and consultations,
Hackers and information,
All savvy technology automation,
makes a Distinguished You.

Amateur clubbing,
Dirty dancing,
Senseless singing,
All your silly antics
makes a Distinguished You.

Summer fades fast,
Jealousy, Lust,
Sweet forbidden fruit never last,
All the sweet memories
made with the Distinguished You…